Friday, September 24, 2010

One Fine Day!!!

I haven't blogged in almost 2 not sure why...but I think it's absolutely the right day to start, or restart...this piece is dedicated to an avid blogger, who also happens to be the subject matter..:-)

It's one of the favourite topics around...Facebook!!! I for one am glad it's a permanent fixture in my life. My Social Circle has undergone a metamorphosis...have met people I haven't met in years, have talked to people I would have had no opportunity to talk to otherwise, have heard about people I was longing to hear about and then, there are people one can't avoid. It's easy to ignore them once you figure out how. That's cruel, but true.

One fine day, I have a Friend Request from a Stranger...I do not accept such requests without a verification. Strangely, this time around, something tells me I may know this person, a look at his bearded 'Cesc Fabrigas' cute face tells me he is no 'phoney'. I speak to my Mum about him and no surprises there, she has no clue who he is. I check with a few friends...and no clue again. Do not recollect what happens after. I must have sent him a mail asking him who he was. I hope I did. It simply does not matter now.

I remember visiting the family every vacation, when I was quite young...for some reason I remember a naughty boy...upto tricks all the time. I am told that's not true. I believe that now. He is no naughty boy now...atleast in my view. Once they move to another location, I just hear a few good things about them...yes...good things, through the Grapevine....until 'one fine day'.

A few messages back and forth, I find an uncanny resemblance to myself. I don't think Genes could play such an important role or go as deep as penetrating the 3rd generation. The more I get talking with him, I find am not alone in my 'weirdness'. What a relief !!! We are yet to ascertain who is 'weird-er'. I don't think either of us care.

I love my space...and that's an understatement, I just love being on my own. I don't feel bored at all. I could browse or watch TV...and we are not talking trash here...or just do insignificant chores all day long, not to forget aligning furniture and checking out trouble spots. I am obsessive about being orderly and am known to be obsessive about planning and organisation. I truly believe, I am consumed by OCD, however when the Procrastination Monster comes visiting once in a while...everything is moved to the back burner or to this box called 'later'. It takes me a while to get back on the wagon...till then, Gawd help me. I am very choosy about people and try to keep minimum contact with those I think I have little or nothing in common. It has nothing to do with being rude and more to do with wasting their time and mine. I reluctantly meet new people, but if they create an impression on me, the relationship is for keeps. Inorder for me to show love, I don't need to visit or call someone all the time. However I will show and appreciate them from time to time. When there is praise or appreciation coming from my stable, it is truly meant. I hope the people I love know who they are. In doubt, one should just ask, and truth will prevail...on a lighter note. I love being different or unique or simply odd and I have always found it difficult to meet someone of a similar nature, especially within the Family Circle where Everybody seems to conform to norms, expectations and customs...until 'one fine day'. No, this was not just about me.

One fine day, I find out that this Stranger I am yet to introduce you to, is as weird as I am or even 'weird-er'. We are yet to see who prevails. Still a stranger of sorts, atleast now I know he is my brother, I didn't grow up with. I feel no expectations, feel no need to justify myself and see no reason to be formal with...I know he will understand...I hope to know him better one day, till then its all fine.

Happy 'U'


Minz said...

Lovely...interesting reading...even more so b'cos I know the subject u r refering to here....does he share ur b'day?

Priya Kurup Premkumar said...

Thanks Monroe...and no, it was yesterday :-) Love you and muah!!!